Tuki Wasi Project carries out local public consultation in October


  • Tuki Wasi Project carries out a public consultation process with key stakeholders at the local level.
  • Local public consultation was held in Udima-Cajamarca, and included the participation of future users and local authorities of the populated center

Within the framework of the implementation of the Tuki Wasi Project, Microsol, in collaboration with the organization Sustainability of Forests for Development (SBD), carried out the local public consultation process in the Udima Population Center, Catache district, Santa Cruz province, Cajamarca department, on October 23. The objective of the consultation was to inform the community of the main characteristics of the project, collect their contributions and comments, as well as answer questions and exchange relevant information about the project process.

The event was held at the Public Educational Institution (IEP) No. 10952 located in the town center of Udima and was attended by around 24 people from 8 hamlets in the province; Limoncito, Piedra Grande, Calderón, El Sauce, Ocpoy, Bellavista, Dos Ríos and La Chapa, hamlets where SBD plans to install 1,000 improved stoves between the months of November and December of this year.

Local authorities and leaders, lieutenant governors, state secretary, glass of milk presidency, educational and health center representatives, local police station, rangers, justices of the peace, fathers and mothers of families, as well as local population participated. .

As part of the public consultation process, all the interventions by the attendees were registered to evaluate their incorporation into the implementation and improvement of the project.


Next Consultation in Huánuco

The CAP Social organization, also selected as an operator in the framework of the implementation of the Tuki Wasi project, will carry out the local public consultation process in the Molino district, in the Huánuco region on October 28.

About the Tuki Wasi Project

In November 2021, Microsol signed an agreement with the Swiss institutions Climate Cent Foundation (CCF) and the KliK Foundation to create the first agreement for the purchase of Mitigation Results (ITMO) in the world under article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement.

In this way it is created the Tuki Wasi Project, which would be one of the first ITMO projects for improved stoves in the world and the first ITMO project in Peru.

The Tuki Wasi Project expects to install 60,000 improved stoves, which will benefit approximately 300,000 people in vulnerable areas of the country, through which it will seek to generate between 480,000 and 750,000 tCO2and towards the year 2030.

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