
Program details

Improved Cookstoves:


Completion year:


Reduction of expected emissions:

400K - 750K tCO2e


Pioneer Program

The Tuki Wasi Project (Pleasant House in Quechua) is the first Improved Cookstoves Project in Peru that is executed under the ITMO* mechanism within the framework of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The Project aims to disseminate Improved Cookstoves to replace traditional wood-burning stoves, to reduce global emissions and improve the well-being of rural communities in Peru. Thanks to the collaboration of CCF and the KliK Foundation, Tuki Wasi can be implemented until 2030.

Program Goals

Install 40K certified improved stoves in vulnerable areas of the country by 2030.

Execute a technical and social sustainability strategy, in order to ensure the operability, good maintenance, acceptance and proper functioning of the kitchens by the year 2030.

Ensure a reduction in emissions between 400K and 750K tCO2e by 2030.

Program Phases

A Country, “A”, that can no longer reduce its emissions within its borders, seeks to implement mitigation projects in a Country “B”.
Country “A” identifies mitigation opportunities and signs an agreement with Country “B”. This agreement includes the regulatory framework for Country “A” to implement mitigation projects in Country “B”.
After executing the mitigation project, the reduced or avoided emissions are recorded in Country “B” so that they can be transferred as Mitigation results to Country “A”.
This transfer of mitigation results is done with the participation and approval of the government of Country “B” to ensure that these projects execute additionality actions that benefit Country “B”.

Program Actors

CCF and KliK They have the role of being the Financing Entities of the Program (EFP), the main interested parties in knowing the results of the program to achieve the generation and transfer of the ITMO.

Microsol Its role is to be the Entity Responsible for the Program (ERP), in charge of monitoring and evaluating the implementation in the field. The latter, under a system of Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV).

Ruru Tarpuy is a non-profit association dedicated to charity and social assistance, with its purposes and activities, within the framework of national priorities

The Operators Their role is to be the Program Implementers (PI). Its function is to install the improved kitchens in areas that meet the requirements described in the bases, ensuring their proper use and maintenance over time.


International Transfer Mitigation (ITMO) Results.

Paris Agreement

It promotes voluntary cooperation between countries to promote sustainable development and limit global warming.