Qori Q'oncha

Families in Peru use clean cooking technology
to improve their quality of life and fight against climate change.


In the highlands of Peru, where temperatures can drop below 0°C during the winter, households use biofuels to prepare their food and heat their homes. It is important to note that in these harsh conditions, an open fire stove is often the only technology available. As a result, respiratory conditions related to air pollution in homes are common.

Additionally, these open stoves are inefficient and consume large amounts of biofuels; generating additional pressure on Andean forests and forest plantations.

Qori Q'oncha was created to address these challenges in an innovative way. The switch to Improve Cookstoves reduces firewood consumption and decreases carbon emissions. Additionally, it expels harmful gases out of the users home while helping to contribute to forest conservation.

As a result, families that use the Improved Cookstoves from the Program enjoy a better quality of life while reducing their global environmental impact.

Program details


Peru, Latin America - 2008


Improved Cookstoves


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):



The program

Qori Q'oncha - Peru was created to address these challenges in an innovative way. Evidence shows that the adoption of Improved Cookstoves reduces the amount of firewood used, reduces carbon emissions and expels toxic gases out of users' homes.

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The Program has been adapted to meet the needs of local communities, following an analysis of current public policies and the identification of gaps on which our contribution can generate impact. The combined action of these initiatives allows the Program to be grounded and adapted to the local context. Maintaining the participation and empowerment of local communities is also key to ensure the long-term success of the Program. This is one of the main reasons why we work closely with local communities to ensure that the most appropriate solution is implemented and sustained over time.

Golden cookstoves

Qori Q'oncha, which means “Golden cookstoves” in Quechua, was the first program to be registered with the Gold Standard quality label (2008), the first program to implement Improved Cookstoves and to issue low-carbon contributions. It has generated eight low carbon contributions corresponding to approximately 2.2 million euros issued to different local partners for the sustainability of their projects. Since its creation, the Qori Q'oncha Program has taken place in six regions of Peru: Piura, Cajamarca, Huancavelica, La Libertad, Pasco and Junin.

Social impact

To date, more than fifteen years after implementing the first Improved Cookstove, Qori Q'oncha not only supports families to adapt to the effects of climate change, but also contributes to the restoration of Andean forests. The Program also supports families to improve their quality of life, since it reduces pollution inside homes and allows them to have more time for other income-generating activities.


Qori Q'oncha is proud to be the first Improved Cookstoves program in the world to be certified with the prestigious Gold Standard. The positive impacts on our communities and our planet are carefully measured and reported as contributions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), defined by the United Nations Organization.


“Thanks to my new cookstove I don't have to spend so much time collecting firewood and I have more time to dedicate myself to agriculture”

Felicitas Córdova Torres

Casaorcco Community - Ayacucho, Peru

“Before, black smoke covered my entire house, now it's not like that anymore, with this cookstove I can save firewood and money”

Lorenzo Gonzales

Chacapampa Community - Junín, Peru