Microsol participated as a speaker at the ClimateSeed Club 2023 in Paris


On November 9th, the Climate Club 2023, organized by the ClimateSeed platform, in the city of Paris, France, was held. Dorothée Pie, CEO of Microsol, participated as a speaker in the Round Table 2: “Carbon removal and avoidance. Navigating obstacles of project financing, selection, development, and contribution".

Climate Club 2023 gathered key decision-makers from the private sector, looking for sustainable development experts, in the renewable energy field, within the European market. It promoted the exchange of ideas between project leaders, partners, and stakeholders in the carbon market.

Microsol shared its experience with the participants through an open discussion panel. The topics were: challenges and lessons learned in the carbon market, our programs, the carbon credits process, comprehensive communication with key actors in the cycle of our programs, and the future.

The event brought together different key actors from the carbon world, such as climate change experts, representatives of social companies, project developers, and institutions committed to climate action and awareness.

About Microsol
Our mission is to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in Latin America, while reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) at the source. We manage two carbon certification programs in the voluntary market, Qori Q’oncha in Peru, and Utsil Naj in Central America (Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras), both responding to 7 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Likewise, we manage the first ITMO Program (Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes), of Improved Cookstoves (ICS) in the region, as part of the bilateral agreement between the governments of Switzerland and Peru, within the framework of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, currently in the process of validation, aiming to respond to 12 SDGs.

About Improved Cookstoves

The use of this type of cookstove allows the combustion process to be improved/made more efficient, reducing the consumption of local firewood and reducing carbon emissions. At the same time, they help expel toxic smoke and particulate matter out of the home, drastically reducing indoor pollution and the risk of respiratory diseases.

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