Microsol promoted climate contribution at the World Impact Summit 2024 in Bordeaux


On March 7th and 8th, 2024, the World Impact Summit 2024 took place to promote global ecological transition. The event was organized by the World Impact Summit platform and held at Palais 2 l’Atlantique in Bordeaux, France. At this international meeting, Microsol actively engaged through its Partnerships & Carbon Finance team, engaging in direct dialogue with corporate leaders interested in learning about carbon contribution initiatives.

The World Impact Summit is considered to be one of the main meetings of actors and solutions for ecological transition. Over two days, more than 10,000 professionals and 300 exhibitors shared knowledge, experiences, and solutions with the goal of driving an ecologically sustainable future. Furthermore, coinciding with International Women's Day, this year's edition has focused on the crucial role of women in the fight against climate change, and those who are willing to take action. Therefore, it was essential to grant them the space and voice they rightfully deserve in sustainability discussions.

Microsol, as a leader in sustainable solutions and carbon emissions reduction, wished to engage corporate decision-makers towards climate contribution within the Voluntary Carbon Market. Additionally, we provided information about our initiatives and addressed their various inquiries on a personalized basis.

Upcoming must-attend low-carbon contributions webinar

Following the World Impact Summit 2024 call, Microsol will host a free and exclusive webinar titled “Climate Contribution with Microsol: Immediate, Direct, and Sustainable Impacts”, which will be held on April 18th at 16h00 (France time). We invite you all to join this informative session and learn more about our initiatives and how they can contribute to a more sustainable world.

Register for the free webinar HERE (English registration form), or HERE (French registration form).

Sustainability initiatives

Microsol has been working for more than 15 years in Latin America, contributing to global sustainability through the implementation of Improved Cookstoves (ICS) programs that reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) at the source. We manage two carbon certification programs in the voluntary market, Qori Q’oncha in Peru, and Utsil Naj in Central America (Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras), both responding to 7 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Qori Q’oncha is a pioneering program as it was the first program certified by the GS in Latin America. Likewise, we are currently implementing the first ICS ITMO Program (Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes) of the region, under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, our Tuki Wasi Program, as part of the bilateral agreement between the governments of Switzerland and Peru. The Program, currently under validation, aims at 12 SDGs.

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