Microsol shared its experience in Produrable 2024


Our team participated with a specialised workshop aimed at carbon sector stakeholders in Paris.

The 17th edition of Produrable, Europe's major event on sustainable economic solutions, took place on 9 and 10 October 2024, at the Palais des Congrès in Paris, France, and brought together around 12,000 participants, including business leaders, investors, researchers and decision makers from different countries. The objective of this edition was to rethink ‘value’ within organisations, in its two dimensions: the quantifiable and financially measurable one, and the one understood as the result of the positive impact generated in the social sphere.

yanna gruel produrable microsol

The event offered many presentations, workshops and exhibitions, as well as networking spaces, through presentation stands for the different participating organisations such as Ey, OpenClimate, WWF, L'Oreal, ECONOCOM, SGS, Greenscope, Bpifrance, Bureau Veritas, among many others. These activities focused on topics such as corporate social responsibility, digital innovation, sustainable supply chains, waste treatment and recycling, carbon footprint, energy transition, climate change and carbon markets. 

Microsol was one of the organisations that actively participated by sharing the knowledge acquired throughout its trajectory in the development of carbon programmes with quantifiable and sustainable social and environmental impact. Yanna Gruel, our general manager, was invited to give a workshop on Microsol's experience as a solid proposal for the management of clean cooking programmes with the production of carbon credits, of premium quality, for the voluntary market. She also highlighted the importance of promoting environmental and social commitment to generate innovative alternatives that contribute to the reduction of global carbon emissions and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The 17th edition of Produrable has been a key space for reflection on the most urgent needs we have at a global level: care of life, ecosystems, natural resources and the protection of human rights. It has also reminded us of our obligation to continue innovating and seeking more sustainable forms of development. 

For Microsol it has been an exceptional opportunity, as it has allowed us to enrich our vision as a social enterprise, to learn about new tools and experiences and to raise awareness of the alternatives that exist for joining climate action.

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