
carbon certification
We evaluate the emissions reduction potential of your project and accompany you through the certification process until the generation of low-carbon contributions. The entire process is carried out in compliance with the standards of the Voluntary Carbon Market (MVC).

We have expanded our services to include internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMO) through Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, which establishes among its various objectives, halting the increase in global average temperature caused by greenhouse gases. greenhouse effect (GHG) below 2°C. In this context, through voluntary cooperation between countries on the transfer of their GHG emissions, ITMOs are a mechanism that contributes to achieving this goal.
Project management
Microsol works with different actors to execute projects that are sustainable over time, design policies and emission mitigation programs, which provide benefits to the most vulnerable communities in Latin America. We seek to find new ways to solve various problems related to the lack of access to sustainable energy in rural communities.

If you want more information about our services, send us a message.