PUCP, SENCICO and Microsol organize the 1st Working Group on Improved Stoves


Last Wednesday, November 30, at the OPEN PUCP facilities in Lima-Peru, the First Work Group on Improved Kitchens organized by the PUCP Engineering Academic Department, the Rural Sector Support Group of the Pontifical University Católica del Perú, the National Training Service for the Construction Industry SENCICO and Microsol.

There was the participation of 30 representatives of public and private institutions and civil society such as the Ministry of Housing Peru, Ministry of Energy and Mines, FONCODES, SENCICO, Practical Action, CARE Peru, World Vision Peru, National University of Engineering, PUCP; among other key players.


The technical meeting had five thematic tables to open the discussion on legal and political regulations, academia, innovation and development of clean cooking, implementation and operation, and lessons learned about Improved Stoves in Peru, as well as specifying a work agenda by 2023.

This first effort is part of a joint effort led by a small committee in which the PUCP participates, through the Rural Sector Support Group of its engineering department, the National Training Service for the Construction Industry - SENCICO and Microsol. Peru, in order to learn about the current situation of Improved Stoves in Peru and its key actors, establish spaces for discussion and promote the thematic agenda of clean cooking in Peru.


See you in 2023!


Importance of Improved Stoves

The use of this type of stove allows the combustion process to be improved, reducing the consumption of local firewood and reducing carbon emissions. At the same time, they help expel toxic smoke outside the home, drastically reducing indoor pollution and the risk of respiratory diseases.

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