Microsol attended the 1st Produrable Business Meeting of decision-makers and CSR experts in Paris


On November 8th and 9th of 2023, the 1st Produrable Business Meeting of decision-makers and experts in Corporate Social Responsibility (Top CSR), organized by Produrable and Arcanéo, was held at the Campus Les Fontaines, in Chantilly, Paris. Dorothée Pie, CEO of Microsol, participated in the panel of experts, and in the matchmaking meetings with CSR managers from the sector.

Top CSR is a business meeting that joins decision-makers, CSR experts, company representatives, project developers, and other key stakeholders in the corporate social responsibility field in the European market. Thematic workshops, CSR strategy meetings, such as ESG monitoring, implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Directive (CSRD), eco-innovation, climate transition, biodiversity, as well as employee engagement and communication, were held.

Dorothée Pie, CEO of Microsol, at the TopRSE 2023 event held in Chantilly, Paris.

Microsol, as a manager of carbon certification programs, as well as sustainable solutions developer, presented its technical and social sustainability proposals to CEOs and corporate CSR directors. This meeting, and networking will serve to create synergies with companies that seek to aim at sustainable development, and also have a real commitment to the fight against climate change.

Sustainability initiatives

Microsol has been working for 15 years in Latin America, contributing to global sustainability through the implementation of Improved Cookstoves (ICS) programs that reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) at the source. We manage two carbon certification programs in the voluntary market, Qori Q’oncha in Peru, and Utsil Naj in Central America (Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras), both responding to 7 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Qori Q’oncha is a pioneering program as it was the first program certified by the GS in Latin America. Likewise, we are currently implementing the first ICS ITMO Program (Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes) of the region, under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement, our Tuki Wasi Program, as part of the bilateral agreement between the governments of Switzerland and Peru. The Program, currently under validation, aims at 12 SDGs.

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