Utsil Naj - Mexico
Clean cooking technology helps families in Mexico enjoy their traditional food in a healthy and sustainable way

It is estimated that in Mexico alone about 20%* of the population cooks with firewood. As a result, families have to cut down more trees, use more firewood and produce more smoke every time they cook. This has a major impact on their health and on the environment.
In addition, climate change has impacted many rural communities in Mexico. In recent years, hurricanes and floods have caused significant damage to many small farming communities that are particularly vulnerable.
The Utsil Naj Mexico Project seeks to address these challenges in an innovative way. Switching to Improved Cookstoves reduces the use of firewood, decreases carbon emissions, and also expels harmful gases out of the users' homes. This reduces indoor air pollution and contributes to the preservation of forests and biodiversity. With this solution, rural families in Mexico can improve their health, prevent deforestation and participate in the global fight against climate change.
*Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS in spanish).
Program details

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Project / Mexico
The Utsil Naj Mexico Project seeks to address these challenges in innovative ways. Switching to Improved Cookstoves reduces the use of firewood, decreases carbon emissions and expels toxic gases out of users' homes. This significantly reduces indoor air pollution and contributes to the preservation of forests and biodiversity.

A healthy home for all
The Utsil Naj Program, which means “A healthy home for all” in Mayan, was established in 2012 and includes projects in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. The challenge of having projects in different countries is due to the fact that each location has its own characteristics. For this reason, it has been particularly important to consider the needs and perceptions of each community, as well as the local context and regulations, before designing any solution.
Mexico Project
Utsil Naj - Mexico has generated two low carbon contributions corresponding to approximately 622 thousand euros issued to different partners for the sustainability of their initiatives. To date, the Project has been developed in six regions: Sonora, Michoacán, San Luis Potosí, Veracruz, Oaxaca and the State of Mexico.
Social impact
This approach has allowed Utsil Naj - Mexico to remain sustainable and generate lasting benefits for more than 10 years. Along with the environmental impacts of the project, Utsil Naj has resulted in profound social and economic impacts on each family, as it has reduced both the risk of heart and lung diseases, as well as the time needed for cooking-related tasks. Utsil Naj also helps raise awareness among local authorities and promotes the implementation of community projects with adequate monitoring over time, as most public initiatives have so far failed to ensure the sustainability of their projects beyond the first year.

The Program is certified by the prestigious Gold Standard. The positive impacts on our communities and our planet are carefully measured and reported as contributions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), defined by the United Nations Organization.

“Yes, it (the Improved Cookstove) has benefited us a lot, because -previously- we used a lot of firewood and it was wasted. Thanks to the support they gave us, we saved a lot of firewood.”
Andres Pena Bautista

“Before I used an open cookstove. Then they gave us the Improved Cookstove and now I cook and grind faster. It is safer because the flame and smoke no longer come out.”
Enedina Santiago